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Gesundheitsurlaub in Bad Hofgastein in den Johannesbad Hotels
Gesundheitsurlaub in Bad Hofgastein in den Johannesbad Hotels

Gastein Health Week(s)

Health vacation in Bad Hofgastein

from € 783

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Travelperiod from 06/01/2025 – 20/12/2025

Health week

Health, regeneration and prevention - your effective time in Gastein!

You will be effectively treated and pampered in the hotel's own health and wellness departments. Here you will find relaxation and tranquility. The professional hands of our therapists take care of your weak points and concentrate on you and your health:

1 WEEK - inclusive 6 partly body treatments**

from € 783



2 WEEKS - inclusive 12 partly body treatments**

from € 1.566



3 WEEKS- inclusive 18 partly body treatments**

from € 2.309


IMPORTANT: Our packages are for adults only. Children receive the family-friendly children's fixed prices all year round including the type of board booked (without treatments).


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7, 14 or 21 x nights

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7, 14 or 21 x half board & sweet dishes in the afternoon

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6, 12 or 18 partial applications from our health program**. for full payers

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Use of the hotel wellness area & rental bathrobe

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Johannesbad wellness services

Prices are plus € 2,40  tourist tax per person and night (from 15 years) plus FIB € 1,10  once from 5 nights.

Our packages are for adults only.
Children, adolescents and 3rd persons in a double room receive the family-friendly (child) fixed prices (in a room with 2 full-payers) all year round including the type of board booked (without additional services).
Additional services (such as: massages, entrance fees, mountain railway rides, etc. ) for children, adolescents and 3rd persons can also be booked.

*2 children until 11 years for free in the room with 2 full paying person (except 21.12.24 - 14.03.25)

**health program:  you´ll find all details on the site of the choosen hotel. If you want more than one energy thermal bath (radon), you need a doctor´s examination (with an extra charge) - please inform us by the booking.

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