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Beautyurlaub in Bad Hofgastein in den Johannesbad Hotels
Beautyurlaub in Bad Hofgastein in den Johannesbad Hotels

Beauty & Cosmetic

Time for beauty

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Beauty time-out in Bad Hofgastein

Do you need a break and want to be really pampered again? Then treat yourself to a real beauty holiday at our Johannesbad Hotel Palace.

The combination of the experienced hands of our beauticians and the high-quality skincare ranges make the beauty treatments a lasting success. Your skin will be visibly radiant and smoothed after the pampering facial treatments in our hotels.



Beauty und Kosmetikanwendungen in den Johannesbad Hotels in Bad Hofgastein

Our hotels for your beauty

Beautyurlaub im Johannesbad Hotel Palace in Bad Hofgastein

Johannesbad Hotel Palace

The range of cosmetic and beauty treatments is diverse. From facial treatments to reduce wrinkles to specialised treatments for different skin types, there is something for everyone.

Nail design for hands and feet is also on offer. French style or in the colours of the season? Choose what you like.

Soothing body treatments for tissue tightening, detoxification and relaxation are also available.


The effective results lead to inner and outer beauty and allow you to return from your holiday refreshed and relaxed.

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Ideas for your Beauty holiday:

from € 644

Travelperiod from 06/01/2025 – 20/12/2025
in 0 Hotels available
Wellness Week
Included services

Every day relaxing! 7 nights with pampering effect including 3 treatments or a voucher worth of € 85.

from € 311

Zeit für mich mit Verwöhnprogramm im Hotel Palace
Travelperiod from 15/03/2025 – 20/12/2025
in 1 hotel available
Time for me
Included services

Escape from everyday life - including pampering treatment! Treat yourself to the perfect time out for body and soul!

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